Greetings readers,
I hope this finds you in fine fettle. It appears I have neglected my precious blog over the past few weeks but with good reason: I have been running at 100 miles an hour what with the start of my new course and the resumption of living in London.
So, onto business. Well, unless you are a cave-dwelling troglodyte, are foreign, or just completely uninterested in British politics (heathen!), then you will know about a particularly 'special' Question Time this evening. Ah yes, the wonderful Beeb have decided to give an unprecedented platform to the leader of the British National Party (BNP), Nick Griffin.
Now I am completely torn on this issue. First of all, if any of you know me personally, then you will know that I am a second generation British Asian. I am proud to be British, and proud for everything this country stands for. In particular, I am deeply proud of our political and legal system; still a beacon of democracy, and a model that is highly respected, and envied throughout the world. Yes, this country has its flaws, and yes, we have a dark, imperial past, but on the corollary, I am indeed an absolute product of the British empire. In the best possible way I would like to think!
One half of me is deeply worried and sceptical over the fact that the BNP is being given a platform on the most respected political TV show in the country. Does this therefore legitimise the BNP, and mean that the party has now entered mainstream politics? I know that about one million Britains (shame on you) voted with your feet in June, giving the BNP two seats in the European parliament. But I know, and pray, that not all one million of you are racist, homophobic, misogynists.
I attended a public lecture last night entitled, "The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Ten Years On", delivered by Professor John Gray, emeritus professor of European Thought at the LSE. And I must say, it was rather fascinating. Now i'm not going to go into the minutiae of the lecture, but what was interesting was how Professor Gray was somewhat political in reference to his thoughts over Nick Griffin's attendance at QT. Indeed, what he did say is that the collapse of the financial markets, rising unemployment, increasing debt, and a general malaise has led to many people being rather disenchanted and disenfranchised by the current state of British politics. This, sadly, has led to many marginalised people to vote for the BNP.
Now much as I abhor the BNP, and everything it stands for, the simple fact of the matter is that they now are now represented electorally, and should be given a platform to air these views. The Green Party and UKIP are just, if not even more marginal, and they have been given air time on QT. If you believe in democracy, and the political process, then sadly we must cede to the fact the BNP have a 'right' to be on national television.
People have argued that the because the BNP only allow whites into its party, that it is therefore an illegal party, contravening the Race Relations Act. Indeed, Mr Hain, the Welsh secretary has argued the point vehemently. In addition, ex-London mayor, Ken Livingstone, has said that there is likely to be a spike in racist attacks following the BNP's airing on QT this evening. Apparently, there is usually a spike in racist attacks following the BNP being elected in a certain area. This makes me feel rather uneasy.
What I hope is that the gloomy climate which we are now in does not turn more people into voting for far-right parties. Perhaps an extreme point, but the rise of Nazi Germany followed economic depression, and this pattern has been seen repeatedly in history. Now I am not saying that Britain, or indeed Europe, is going that way, However, we MUST stop the BNP, and all of its political allies marching forward. Indeed, it is imperative we do so. For Britain, for Europe and for humanity.
Rant over.
Thank you for reading,
I read this on the AP today:
"Anti-fascist protesters have leafleted BBC staff at Television Centre in White City ahead of BNP leader Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time.
As security staff put up barriers for the protest, Unite Against Fascism asked BBC workers to oppose the controversial debate".
It all seems somewhat ironic that these people are opposed to the very thing they're 'fighting' for. Freedom of speech and Democracy (whatever version may be today) have to allow for someone's voice, whether you believe in it or not. It goes against the very idea of Democracy to be gagging an opinion, whether you believe in it or not.
I don't condone racism or stand for what the BNP do, but to take away their right to a voice turns you into the very same of what you're fighting against. =/
I couldn't agree with you more.
Someone introduced me to a Voltaire quote which I think captures what you've said rather nicely.
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".
I hope Griffin makes a monumental tit of himself tonight...
Yes, good quote (heard it but didn't know it was Voltaire).
Griffin is somewhat Yin and Yang. I'm quite sure he's intelligent but he has somewhat blinkered and unintelligent views.
However, and I normally get lambasted for this, I'm also of the opinion that anti-racism is also racism in disguise – Israeli propaganda has sought to imprison people in some countries that have a differing opinion to what history has written. It somewhat makes me question the reason as to why such actions are taken: something to hide or to create sympathy for a country guilty of the same crimes.
Mute point.
Will be interesting to hear what he has to say or what rubbish he can tie his tongue into.
I still think we should all join the BNP and then vote internally to change it's Leaders and policies - real democracy in action!
They seem to think they are safe being a facist exclusive organisation as anyone who isn't white wouldn't want to join anyway so maybe we should show otherwise - if every last white, pink, brown, yellow, green, black and stinky one of us joined up then perhaps they would wake up and understand that the most fundamental reason there is to be british is the very diversity they seek to destroy.
And I forgot to ask - will u be watching?
Indeed. Interesting points.
Funny - I was thinking of applying to the BNP, now that thay will have to reverse their policy of whites-only.
That said, I'm not sure I could physically stomach it.
A sad fact that the leader of the BNP youth went to my school. And he was from Leicester.
Griffin is definitely intellgent - Cambridge educated, articulate, a good debater. But agreed - he is rather blinkered.
Makes me wonder how someone so well educated can still harbour such extreme views? Would be interesting to find out about his upbringing...
Lauren - will actually be at The George this eve, having a few pre-birthday drinks with LSE mates. Reckon will watch it in the pub, if they'll allow it that is. Might not be all that conducive to drinking though!
Hey Faisal, I've actually done some research on the BNP - I'll post on it shortly...
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